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OBRA instigated a two year participatory project in their local community of Pauilhac, to celebrate the sensorial heritage of the countryside.

Through meeting and exchanging with the local community, an rich audio archive was collected; stories, anecdotes, accents, sayings, machinery, and field recordings of local flora and fauna.

Three musicians; Mathieu Ogier, Eilon Morris and the group La Main Harmonique, were invited to create a new sound piece inspired by the archive. These compositions were then realised in collaboration with the community; school children, the choir, traditional folk musicians, youths with special education needs and through family social events. The project invited the community to listen anew to their environment, to find the hidden or forgotten stories and sounds that are specific to place and open their perspective on their territory.

#Pauilhac concluded with a public event, inviting the community to rediscover their village through multiple sound installations, interactive audio machines, short films and archive videos.


The project was realised between 2020-22 with the support of the DRAC Occitanie, the Region Occitanie, The Gers Department, ADDA 32 and the village of Pauilhac.

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Au Brana, 32500 Pauilhac France     
Tel: +33 (0)7 66 44 40 76     

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